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Showing posts from March, 2009

20 week scan

This week marked the 20-week mark - which means I'm technically half way done! It also means that it was time for the next scan. This scan is called the anatomy scan. The main purpose is to check on the development of the baby to ensure that everything is coming along nicely - 10 toes, 10 fingers, brain, heart, spine, etc. For parents-to-be, it's a great time to see the baby because the scan takes a while. We were there for around 45 minutes. This scan is also when parents can find out the sex of the baby. Our little one is developing well - all organs, fingers, toes, etc were there and the right size. The baby was active at first - moving its legs and arms. But then, it found a comfortable spot and chilled out for a while. It was also a little shy - not wanting to show its bum so that that tech could confirm that the spine was fully developed and covered. The tech estimated that the baby weighs 14 oz - which may mean that I'm going to have a big 'un. Wild to think that

First Day of Spring

Apparently, today is the first day of spring. I could have sworn that March 21st was the first day, but clearly I'm wrong. Mother Nature is also not sold. We woke up to snow this morning! Very very ready for spring...starting with our vacation next week. More on the baby later.

Guess What We're Having!!

Justin and I (ok, really just I) have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. Why? we're ok with yellow and green for a while looking forward to the surprise like the challenge of picking not one, but two names enjoy the look on people's face when we tell them Seriously, we're ok with this. That being said, we're curious to see what our friends and family think we're having. I added a poll to the site to submit your guess. I have no idea if this poll will accept multiple responses. Regardless, it will be fun to see what people think. A few facts for those of you that are superstitious: no real morning sickness no crazy breakouts can't tell if I'm carrying high or low at this point - seems low based on the baby's movement not a ton of weight gain let me know what other points I missed Vote Away!! One quick update - the poll is to the left. Select your guess and click the Vote button. The area will refresh with current results.

Gaining Weight

Sadly, this is probably my biggest concern during the pregnancy - gaining weight (biggest concern after the health of the baby). I'll be honest, I'm lucky that it's not something I'm used to dealing with. Today at the doctors, I get the news that I've probably gained a bit too much weight. Now, I'm not going to go on a diet - that's silly, I will have to gain weight. But I am going avoid being a food idiot - eating too much, too frequently, and carb loading (definitely a favorite pasttime recently). Alright off to the gym!


I'm posting a couple of pictures of my belly. Justin took these Sunday, March 1, 2009. I was in week 18 (I'm now in week 19 - almost halfway there!). I'm still getting comments that it's hard to tell that I'm pregnant - those will change soon! Check out that profile!     And the front shot