If you haven't picked this up from other posts, Jack loves trains - above ground and below. He has collected several subway cars and enjoys playing with them. A few weeks ago, he realized that he did not have a C train, and therefore, needed to get one (needed, not wanted, needed) Justin and I decided that it would be a great learning experience for him to spend his own money on this one. We helped him count out what was in his "money saver" (the first coins in the "money saver" were captured here). We traded him a few bills for change and put everything in his wallet. Today, Jack, Spencer, and I headed to Grand Central to make the big purchase. Jack made sure that we had his wallet and that we paid with his money. Though quite honestly, I'm not sure that he grasped that he was giving up some of his money to get the train. He was so excited about the train! I guess there's time to learn the value of money. Regardless, Jack was so happy! He even sai...