There are lots of things about being a parent that are not so easy (understatement yes, but still true). Today, Justin and I went through one that we're hoping we don't have to repeat again. Spencer had minor surgery this morning. Minor in that it was planned and a relatively standard procedure. Beyond that, I don't think anything that involves general anesthesia and incisions is minor. Good (and definitely bad), we have experience watching our little one go into surgery as Jack had surgery just after his second birthday. We thought that we were prepared for this time around. But really, there's nothing that prepares you for watching your little one go into surgery. It's hard. It's hard because it's when Spencer finally realized that this wasn't just a fun place to play. It's hard because we can't stay to comfort him and let him know that we are there for him and would do anything for him. It's hard because you leave room knowing that y...