Monday, I had the nuchal translucency scan. The procedure itself is stressful based on what it's testing for. However, it was very cool to have a more lengthy sonogram of the baby (new pictures posted). This is the first time that Justin has seen the baby since we heard the heartbeat in December. Our baby has grown a lot! Its length is on track for our due date. It has a profile, arms, legs, fingers, and toes. It was moving all over the place and seemed to be hiccuping - based on the jerks, it has my hiccups. Crazy to see that happening inside me when I can't feel anything.
Back to the test - the technician said that we'll get results in a week. I'm hoping that everything is "in normal range" and that we do not need to consider additional tests.
The pictures are cool - you can see the profile. I think that the baby has Justin's nose - check the 1st picture. :)
In other news - my clothes are getting tight! The next purchase is going to be a new pair of jeans.
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