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Funny Books

Something is in the water at Google - there are many, many pregnant ladies. It seems to come in waves - but I know of at least 6 folks due between June and August. The cool thing is that there are many people to talk to and share experiences.

Last week, one of my fellow pregnant Googlers dropped off two light-hearted books about pregnancy. The first is Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. I wrote this one off based on the author - but it was really funny. Very sarcastic and of course, nice to know that everyone goes through similar experiences! The other book is called Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay. This one is also quite funny and sarcastic (clearly a combo that I love). It focuses more on the experiences during the first few months. I'm obviously not there, but helps to know that freaking out is pretty normal. :) Both books have been fun to read - thanks Reagan for lending them to me.

I don't have much other news at this point. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday but no sonogram so no new pictures to post. All tests have come back with good results.

Justin and I are in Atlanta this weekend. It will be fun to get the reaction of our friends and family (mom is driving down) to my little bump. 


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