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Advanced Training

Over Memorial Day weekend, Jay (Justin's brother), Cristine (wife), Julia (niece - 8) and Connor (nephew - 5) visited us in NYC. It was an action packed weekend and everyone had a great time. For Justin and I, it was advanced parental training courtesy of Julia and Connor. 

The tour of NYC
  • pizza from Rigaletto's
  • Central Park - playground
  • Times Square at night
  • Toys R Us - probably the biggest hit, Julia, Connor, Jay and Justin rode the ferris wheel in the store
  • M&M Store
  • Statue of Liberty (via the Staten Island Ferry)
  • World Trade Center location - though all of the viewing locations are closed so it's difficult to see the building progress and to grasp the size of the area
  • PBJ Company for sandwiches
  • Washington Square Park - ate lunch and watched some kids perform - they rolled out an upright piano and had the necessary boards for tap dance. It was impressive.
  • Google NYC - spent time in the play room  (check out the video of Justin)
  • Canal Street - Justin and Jay took a detour here so that Jay could pick up a few "gifts" for friends....Rolex anyone?
  • Belvedere Castle overlooking Turtle Pond in Central Park
  • Natural History Museum - this place is always packed - we hit the highlights including those from the movie Night at the Museum.
  • and last but not least, ate hot dogs from a NYC street vendor - no visit would be complete without enjoying one of these.
We were on the go all day. I think that everyone had a great time, even if we all needed a weekend after our weekend.

Some pictures from the weekend:

Jay and Justin rocking out on guitar hero

Musicians and Tap Dancers in Washington Square Park

Julia, Connor, and Justin on a rock climbing expedition in Central Park


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