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Summer in the City

Summer has finally arrived in NYC. We've had a mix of sunny, warm days and rainy, muggy days over the last week. This Saturday (Aug. 1st) was a warm, sunny day - but slightly humid. We took advantage of the weather by meeting several friends in Sheep Meadow in Central Park.

For those that are unfamiliar with Central Park, Sheep Meadow is in the lower third, stretching between 66th and 69th streets on the west side (more details here). This is what Justin and I consider our outdoor space in the city - we just happen to share with thousands of our closest friends!

Anyway, we found a good shady spot and were joined by
  • Chat, Nina, Ketun, and Naya (7 month old twins)
  • Sarah Goulding
  • Phil and Ylang (with baby on the way - due mid-December)
  • Lisa, Rich, and Niamh (almost 2)
  • Judy (Jenn's Mom)
We shared great snacks, enjoyed the weather, and more importantly, had a great time catching up some friends. Pictures are below.

Chat, chillin'Sarah, enjoying one of Phil's delish brownies

Nina with KetunGroup shot - with the two pregnant bellies!

Ketun and Naya - 7 months

Rich, Lisa, and Niamh

Judy and Jenn (yes, I'm smuggling a beach ball under my shirt)Obligatory shot of Midtown (with Justin's building which is also where Chandler worked in Friends)


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