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Babies Babies

This weekend started with my good friend, Kate Foley (the former Katie Condello) announcing that she and her husband Brian are expecting their first in May. Katie and I have been good friends since 6th grade - which means we've known each other longer than we haven't. (well, that makes sense to me) Katie has a very dry sense of humor. I can't wait to hear her take on all the things that pregnancy brings!

Today (Sunday, Oct. 25th), Justin, Jack, and I had brunch with several of Justin's friends from Duke. It was great to see everyone. The funny thing is that we had this same brunch almost three years ago when we first moved to NYC. It was adults only. This brunch had three youngin's under 1 - Ketan, Naya, and Jack. They were all fun. The big news though is that Becky and Erik are expecting their first in late April.

The last two years has really been a baby boom with our friends. We can't wait to meet all the new additions expected over the next few months. Jack's going to have lots of new playmates across the country!

Karen and Joe  - little girl, due Nov. 2009
Ylang and Phil - baby, due Dec. 2009
Sarah and Rob - baby, due Mar 2010
Becky and Erik - little boy, due Apr 2010
Katie and Brian - baby, due May 2010
Eva and Matt - baby, due May 2010


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