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Update Time

I feel like we've been really busy, but then don't remember what we've done! Oh well!!

Here's a recap of the last few weeks.

Linda and Billy Visit NYC
The last weekend in January, Linda and Billy came for a quick visit. Unfortunately, the visit was quicker than anticipated; however, we were able to fit in lots of pasta, wine, and a some cute pictures.

Six Months!
Jack turned 6 months old on February 12th. Can't believe that it's been six amazing months! We fall more in love with him every day.

Valentine's Day
Justin, Jack and I headed to Leominster to visit family. Jack was able to spend some quality time with his cousins. Justin and I had a blast at dinner with Cristine & Jay and Kelly & Pete. I don't think we've laughed that much in a while. My favorite moment was when Justin finally realized that it was Valentine's day!

Judy Visits NYC
The next weekend, Judy came for a visit. She hadn't seen Jack in a couple of months and loved to see all the progress. Jack had started to roll over from back to front but was having a hard time going front to back. He is much more engaged with his toys and the people around him. Mom (meaning Judy) and I went to see the NY City Ballet - it was amazing! Justin also ran in his second race of the year. He collected $10 from Rich because he finished the 4 mi course in under 29 minutes - a personal best. We were all at the finish line to cheer him on.

Snow snow snow
Last Friday, February 26th, it snowed and snowed and snowed some more. In the end, we got about 20 inches of snow in our area of the city. Justin and I stayed home that Friday. We eventually took Jack out to check out the accumulation and to get out of the house. It was the first time that Justin had worn the Baby Bjorn and the first time that Jack was facing forward while out. He was kind of quiet, but I think really enjoyed it. Justin was funny because he was so careful with where he walked and what he did with his arms. The sidewalks were bad the first day, but were fairly clear the next day. It seemed like much of the snow melted by the end of the weekend.


  1. You have been busy. Cute pictures. Where is Mommy?


  2. Mommy's always behind the camera! I'll have to work on that.


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