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Dinner with Jack

Dinner has always been an ever-evolving play with Jack. Last night's was something of a dramatic comedy (does that exist?). It went something like this:

Act 1: The Anticipation
Justin: "Jack, are you ready for the big boy chair?"
Jack: tired, hungry cries

Justin prepares bottle. Jack sees bottle - his eyes widen and fussy cries turn to happy noises.

Quick drinking ensues accompanied by eyeballing me and Justin to see what's next.

Act 2: Time for dinner
Jack eagerly takes half of the first course - Gerber's famous turkey with rice and veggies. This section is accompanied by lots of happy "hmmms" and a few short "AHs!"

Act 3: No Focus
As Jack starts feeling less hungry, his focus on eating wanes considerably. This quickly deteriorates to loud bursts:

Jack: AHHHHHH! UHHHHHH! (translation: Daddy or Sydney, pay attention to me)
Jenn: Hey Jack, can we get one more bite? Ok, we can slap the spoon and finger paint with the squash instead...
Jack: blood curdling scream...

And so the evening goes!


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