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Thanksgiving -- Long Overdue!!

Our Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful! We headed to Greensboro Saturday before the holiday. The drive went better than expected - but is still really really long! We were on the road for a little over 10 hours, arriving just after 9 pm. The next day, it felt like we were jet-lagged! Thank goodness we were on vacation so that we could catch up on sleep.

We ended up doing all sorts of fun things.

Natural Science Center
This center is just across the street from my Mom's house. It has many neat exhibits and a newly renovated zoo. We took Jack to check out the animals. He saw meerkats, tortoises, different monkeys, big wolves, and, the big attraction, tigers. Jack's favorite thing was the water feature. He could walk around and around each fountain and splash in the puddles. There is a petting zoo as well - Jack met goats and sheep.

UNC Basketball Game
Tuesday afternoon, Connie, one of mom's friends, offered us tickets to that evening's UNC game in Chapel Hill. Of course we went! When else will we get to see the Heels play in Chapel Hill? The game itself wasn't so great. It's going to be another long season - hopefully rebuilding for a better one next year. The pep band was great - sporting new silver horns which looked and sounded great! One cool part was the "I'm a Tar Heel" video that had various alum saying "I'm a Tar Heel" and ended with Michael Jordan. :)  It was just cool to be back in Chapel Hill.

Thanksgiving Day
The morning started with Justin's participating in the Greensboro Gobblers, a 5k at the park. Our friends Christian Oliver and Brian Foley joined in. Christian placed third for his age group! Everyone had great times! Jack and I hung out with Katie, Elizabeth, Vanessa, and Patrick on the playground. It was great to catch up with friends while we cheered on the guys.

Justin trying to keep up with Christian

Brian already shedding clothes - who knows what would have 
happened if this race had been a 10k!

Christian leading the way (he ended up placing 3rd in his age group)

After the run, we hopped in the car once more and drove to Cary for our first Thanksgiving dinner. My cousin Linda hosted everyone. The dinner was delicious and it was great to see family. Tom and Linda definitely took the prize for largest turkey - it was huge and it was tasty!

That afternoon, we headed back to Greensboro for our second Thanksgiving with my Dad and Wanda. My step-sister, Elizabeth, her husband, Brandon and their 4.5 year old Roman were there as well. It was the first time we had seen them in over 5 years! Roman and Jack got along great - it was so fun to see them interact and play.


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