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18 months

Jack turned 18 months last Saturday. He's turning into the quite the little boy and is well beyond being our baby boy.

So Jack - what have you learned to do in the last 18 months? Beyond the necessary sit up, eat, and walk - there are a few fun ones.

1. Starting to use a fork and spoon. You like the idea, but haven't grasped the concept/technique of picking up food. You'll get there (especially if Mommy chills and lets you make more of a mess).

2. You love your books. We have created "Jack's library" on one of the window sills in your room. You love to run in there, grab a book, and bring it to me or Daddy to read.

3. Putting things away. Even better than getting your own books, you're starting to understand putting them away. It doesn't work every time, but we'll celebrate success.

4. Puzzles. You receive a few of these for Christmas. At first, you had no idea what to do with them after dumping all the pieces. Now, you know exactly where the shapes go and you can spin them until they fit in just right.

5. Words. You understand almost everything we say. (It's likely everything, but you choose to ignore some.) You're building your own vocabulary now: kitty and meow, doggie, peash (which means please), ba ba (anything with milk), wa wa (anything with water), ball, door, na na (for bananas) and several others. It seems like you add new words each week. Hopefully, you'll figure out a few verbs soon!

6. Shoes. They go on your feet, as you know. You really want to be able to put them on yourself.

7. Pictures. One of your favorite things to look at is yourself - either in a mirror or pictures. You always bring a smile to your face. For now, we're ok with this narcissism (and we kind of agree that you're super cute). The one thing that trips you up is what to call yourself. Each time you see a picture of yourself, you say "da da". I guess you aren't too far off since you do look like a little Justin. But it's pretty funny.

8. Dancing. You've had rhythm, or something very close, since you could hold up your head. When you hear music you like, you start dancing either shaking your head, swinging your arms, bouncing, and more recently, spinning in circles. Next up is learning to move your shoulders up and down - Daddy is the expert on this move! ;)

9. Water. You love being in it. Bath time is still fun - especially now that you can run naked from your room to the tub each night. Swimming is also fun, though you haven't quite figured out why moving your arms in the water will be important. It will come one day.

10. Kisses. You share kisses with lots of things and people: your friends, Christine, me and Daddy (and other family), and the kitties (well, you kiss Syd. Mel won't let you near her). You've also added the smacking sound when you blow kisses. All very cute.

11. Sleep. It took you a few months, but you finally figured out this sleep thing - and you really like it, particularly at night. Plus, you sleep in! Your wake up time is between 7:30 and 8 am. You're really spoiling your Daddy and I especially with #2 on the way.

12. Infectious laugh. When you get going, you laugh from deep in your belly. It's so pure and happy that it makes everyone around you smile - if not laugh with you!

13. Confidence. You have no problem being the center of a room or grooving to your own beat. I hope that this confidence and comfort in your own skin persists as you grow up. It will be an invaluable strength.

These are just a few of the many things that we absolutely love about you. You are truly the best thing that's ever happened to your Daddy and I. Each day you amaze us more and more.


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