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Baby on the Way

Funny, this topic has been unintentionally omitted the last few months.

Here's the quick update. Everything is going well with the pregnancy. I'm 36 weeks now - so only 3-4 weeks (hopefully not 5 weeks) to go. This little one is quite active and manages to stretch my belly in all sorts of directions. Otherwise, the baby is healthy and I am healthy.

We have started to prep for the new little one. We have new stroller that can convert into a double at the right time. Jack loves it and I have to say that we prefer it to the other one we've had! The second crib arrived today and I'm expecting the changing table by the end of the week. Both of these will go in our room. Should be interesting to have the little one in our room for a while. Jack went straight into the nursery.

I'm not sure how much Jack understands about what is happening. When we ask him where baby is, he smiles and points to my belly - which is super sweet. But he has also pointed to his belly and Justin's belly and said "baby" so who knows! Regardless, he is going to be a great big brother.

So that's the quick update. We're only a few weeks away and that is very very exciting!


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