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One month

Spencer is one month old today! Being born on the first of the month will make remembering his month birthdays even easier. (Today is also Grandma Judy's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!)

In this short time, we've learned a lot of things about you, about us (meaning your mom and dad), and about caring for an infant (these things are not really learned, but remembered - usually as an "oh yeah" kind of moment).

1. You are a cuddler. You love to sleep on someone's chest or in someone's arms. You get completely relaxed and your lips form a perfect little pucker.

2. Diaper rashes suck. Yep, learned this one in the first few days you were home when you screamed every time we changed a diaper. Sorry little man.

3. Newborns make a lot of noise when they sleep. You now sleep in the foyer. Hopefully this arrangement changes soon and you can claim the little crib that is rightfully yours.

4. You hate your carseat. It's hot and it's confining. We get it. You'll be in a big stroller seat soon enough.

5. Jack is a natural big brother. Minus the occassional whack, he clearly loves you and loves saying "baby bruhduh".

6. Making a major purchase doesn't always mix well with a newborn. Especially when the automated credit check process on the phone accepts your cries for my answer causing me to fail the credit check. Awesome.

7. You like to sleep on your stomach. Yes, yes we know - back is best. When we are watching you, we put you on your side or tummy. At night, you are on your back. It will be great when you are strong enough to rollover.

8. Sometimes you like the changing table and sometimes you don't.

9. Everything takes at least twice as long with a small baby and three times as long with a small baby and a toddler. Getting out of the house with enough time to do anything can be a challenge. Sometimes just getting out of the house is a challenge.

10. The hours between 6 and 9 pm are the toughest of the day. But we know that this is short-lived. At least we hope it is.

11. You want to stand. Your little legs are strong. You push yourself up when being held against someone's chest. Wonder if you'll walk early. Wonder if you'll skip crawling and go straight to walking...

12. A parent's love grows. The minute we saw you, our hearts grew at least two times. There isn't anything quite so special and wonderful as a new baby and a growing family.

Lastly, you are an amazing addition to our family. We love you with all our hearts and souls.

Now for some pictures:


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