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Hurricane Irene

This year, I was bound and determined to have a family vacation and really hoped that we would end up at a beach.

Well, we did it. We went to Myrtle Beach for a few days. What happens as soon as we arrive? A hurricane threatened to cut our vacation short! We spent a lot more time watching the Weather Channel than expected. End the end, we left a 1/2 day early to take advantage of clear weather on the drive back to Greensboro. Today, we are safe in Greensboro watching the hurricane make landfall on the coast and hoping that all of our friends and family in the Northeast are safe. It will be interesting to see what happens in New York City.

Back to the vacation: we had a great time at the beach. Jack and Spencer saw the ocean for the first time. While I'm sure Spence was impressed, Jack probably got more out of the experience. The boys went swimming and floated on an innertube with their Daddy. The pool was by far the big hit with Jack. He didn't like the beach and ocean - frequently complaining of "yucky feet".

While we were there, we realized how quickly the boys are growing. (at least I hope that is what Spence's issue is as he is waking up more frequently at night).

Spence continues to improve his rolling over skills, practices crunches in hopes of sitting up, and blessed us with his first few giggles. Now to work on the sleeping thing...

Jack has wowed us in several ways:
  • singing wheels on the bus
  • singing the birthday song. Note the correct pronunciation is "hugga birthday to you". Also, contrary to popular belief, there are no other lines to the song.
  • counting from 1 to 14, then skipping to 19 & 20 (the other numbers are just details)
  • speaking with more sentences
  • trying all sorts of different "potatoes" including fried scallop and fried shrimp "potatoes"
  • and most surprisingly, singing his abc's (oddly skipping j & k - he just busted this out one night at dinner)
They are both growing up. It's amazing how fast this goes.

For now a few pictures of the trip.
View from our room

The boys on the lazy river

Brothers? Sleeping on the ride to the beach


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