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Two in Tow

Last weekend, we took our first roadtrip as a family of four. We went to Massachusetts to see family, introduce Spencer, and celebrate Jack's 2nd birthday.

All around, it was a fun weekend. Spencer did well being passed around among cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. He generally took everything in.

Jack had a blast playing with all of the toys and vehicles at Mimi and Poppy's (who needs Whalom Park?) and seeing Julia, Connor, and Jake. Jack learned to drive a toy car. Billy even tricked out the car with a custom licence plate that sports a picture of Jack and a naked lady light - because what two year I'd doesn't appreciate a naked lady silhouette (think cheesy mudflaps on bigrigs)?  Now Jack only has to learn how to steer and watch where he's driving. Details, details.

The birthday celebration was fun too. Jack (and Spencer) received many fun gifts and new clothes (at least Mommy likes these!). Big thanks to everyone for making it such fun.

The ride back to nyc wasn't quite as smooth as the ride up. Both Jack and Spencer were spent from the weekend fun and from not sleeping great. I spent most of the ride in the backseat between the two car seats soothing one child and entertaining the other...apparently I'm more interesting that Cars on DVD (at least for now!).

Two cute things hat happened this week after our trip.

  • First, Jack was playing a song on one of his new toys. He turns to me with a very serious face and says in a somber voice: "I love this song." It was so cute. (The song is "I love the flowers" aka the "boom-be-adda" song - click here for Jack's favorite YouTube video of this song.)
  • Second, Jack turned to me and said "Connor, Connor, Connor" with a great big smile. He clearly had a great time with his cousins.

A few pictures are below. Enjoy!
 Jack and the Truck

Mimi and Poppy's Funland!

Remember this image in 16 years (of course, my boys will be wearing seat belts and drive in a car that has sides and a roof - at least I hope they do)

 Why not distract him with high fives?

Happy Boy!!

 Spencer getting some snuggles with Mimi

 Personalized license plate AND a naked lady light!

 Quick pit stop to check the engine

Birthday cake and candles - Jack didn't cry this year!


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