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6 Months!!

Spencer turned 6 months old yesterday. Where in the world did the time go?!?!

A couple of pictures - then some fun facts about our little Spencer-doo.

Yes, he is really that cute!! Ok, now for the fun facts.

Your favorite position is standing. You'll work to get to standing regardless of how you started. Yet somehow, you are close to sitting up.

You can sleep through the night (you've done it once). You just prefer to hang with Mom and Dad at around 5 am each morning (while we love you, we're ok with skipping this private party in the morning).

You've managed to throw up in almost every room of our house - including Mom's closet (aka: Spencer's bedroom).

You love Whoozit just as much as your older brother did. Lucky you, you also have Captain Calamari to chew on.

Eating only happens on your schedule. Oh, and you need to be almost inconsolable before you eat - otherwise, it's just a snack.

You are learning that bath time can be loads of fun. Now, if you'd stay sitting upright rather than sliding all the way into the water...

Bigger kids fascinate you. You love tagging along on Jack's playdates. The big kids love you - showering you with kisses and watching out for you.

The car seat is still one of your least favorite places. Lucky you, you're out growing it and will be moving into the big stroller seat. Plus, with the cold weather, you have the cozy BundleMe to keep you snug.

Your smile lights up your entire face. It is precious and makes anyone on the receiving end feel so special.

You love your big brother. You watch him with wide eyes and giggle whenever you see him. He loves you too.

You're an amazing little boy, growing and changing everyday. Mom, Dad, and Jack love you with all our hearts.


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