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Spencer's and Jack's 2012 Resolutions

Justin and I recently sat down with Jack and Spencer to explain the importance of new years resolutions. They were so excited, they each decided to write (well, dictate) their own.

Spencer's 2012 Resolutions
1. Self-Powered Movement - In my first year, I've relied heavily on others to move me from place to place. Recently, I've been able to move several feet on my own; however, my direction can be a bit off. This year, I plan to be self-powered (with steering!) as soon as possible so that I can keep up with my big brother and go after all the toys that are just out of reach.

2. Sleep - Mom and Dad were right - sleep for 10+ hours at night is great. I'd like to maintain this habit as well as work towards 11+ hours each night. Everyone in the family is thrilled with this idea. In addition, I plan to move to bigger quarters. Mom's closet and my mini-crib have been cosy, but I'm a growing boy and I need more space. It's a big jump, but I'm going to make the move to the big crib AND share a room with Jack. I can't wait!!

3. Develop an adventuresome palate - While I've enjoyed the consistency of breastmilk and formula, I'd like to expand my palate with new items such as avocados, chicken, and beef. The world is a cornucopia and I plan to taste (and hopefully enjoy) as much as I can!

4. Be a good baby brother. My big brother is so cool. I love watching him play and talk. He always makes me smile. I can't wait until I'm bigger and we can really play together.

Jack's 2012 Resolutions
1. Accept that not every door needs to be opened...1000 times. One of the first things I learned to do after I started walking was to open my mom's closet door. Since then, I've learned to open every door in the house. I think it's great and I show Mom, Dad, and Christine my door opening talent many times a day. Now that I'm getting older (almost 2 and 1/2!), I can trust that all the doors in my house (and Grandma's and Mimi and Poppy's houses) have the same things on the other side. I think Mom and Dad will really appreciate this one. (Note to Jack: Mom and Dad still want you to try to open as many figurative doors as possible.)

2. Get Ups. Up to this point, the phrase "white men can't jump" really applied to me. This year, I'm going to prove it wrong and start getting air under both my the same time. I'm getting close - it's all about practice.

3. Be a Potty Mouth. No, not in the bad way! Over the holidays, I saw that many of my older friends are using the potty. That's cool and I want to be able to that too. This is a bit of a lofty goal, so I'll break it into a couple of steps. First, I'll starting telling Mom, Dad, or Christine when I've pottied. Next, when prompted, I'll start using the potty several times a day. From there, I'll try to let them know when I have to go so that they can help me use the potty. We'll see how this works. Hopefully, I can nail this one before I'm a big three year old!

4. Be a good big brother. I wasn't sure what to think when Mom and Dad brought Spencer home. At first, I kind of ignored him because he didn't do much except sit around, eat, sleep, poop, and cry. More recently, we've started to play together. I try to show him how my cars and blocks work by putting them right in front of him or even on his head. I'm not sure he's getting it. Anyway, this year, Spence and I are going to become true playmates. I'll show him how the closet doors work, how to splash in the tub, and how to build with blocks. I'll also teach him all about the trucks, buses, taxis, and, most importantly, the SUBWAY!!

Justin and I are pretty impressed with these two! During the year, we'll let you know how they are progressing towards their goals. ;)


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