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Mimi and Poppy Take Manhattan

Wow - lots has happened in the last few weeks. Let's start with Mimi and Poppy's visit in mid-March.

They came to town the 16th through 18th and had a packed weekend. Friday, we headed to our favorite local Italian restaurant for a great meal. Unfortunately, Spence stayed home as he has decided that his Mariah Carey impersonation is the perfect compliment to any meals - most everyone else agrees that it is, in fact, not complimentary. The highlight of the meal was Jack toasting us with his glass of cranberry juice. The servers kindly poured it into a wine glass for a truly special drink. Jack was beyond thrilled...our parenting skills perhaps sank to a new low - I'd like to think that we are exposing him to the finer things early in life.

Saturday was jammed packed as well. Mimi and Poppy accompanied Jack to Kids Club for open play in the morning. He showed off his ever-improving jumping skills and his forward rolls. Later that afternoon, Mimi and Poppy attended War Horse at Lincoln Center which is apparently awesome. Maybe Justin and I will check it out soon. The day ended with a lovely dinner at home.

On Sunday, we all headed to Central Park to watch Justin run in the NYC Half-Marathon. Watch is a generous term - as with all of Justin's races, we anxiously scan the crowd hoping to spot him. He finds us, runs by giving the boys high-fives (or in this case, kisses) and speeds away. A lot happens in the matter of 2-3 seconds. :) Justin did well - finishing in 1 hour 47 minutes.

It was a great visit. Jack was so excited to see his Mimi and Poppy. Spence was excited, but in a different way - soon he'll remember who they are.

As usual, pictures from the weekend are below.

Reading new books with Mimi (and nibbling on a yummy wooden car!)

Mommy, is this my "charming" face?

Having fun with Poppy

More reading - ah, the concentration


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