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Showing posts from May, 2012

Veritable Dutch Wonderland

Mother's Day weekend, we planned a little trip out of NYC. We headed to Lancaster, PA - close enough for a night away, but far enough away to feel very different than NYC. The weekend was a lot of fun (and honestly a lot of work). All in all, the boys did well. Highlights below: Dutch Wonderland Lancaster is home to several tourist things. We picked one: Dutch Wonderland family amusement park. My cynical self really doubted that we'd enjoy this experience. I was worried that it would be cheesy. But I was wrong. Well yes, it was kind of cheesy because it was a family amusement park. But it was so fun. The place was very geared to families with young children. The rides are categorized by height so it's easy to know what rides your kids can ride. Jack tried several rides: big trucks, bulldozers, leaping frogs, the monorail. He even drove a car! He had a really good time. Spence was a good sport as there wasn't much for him to do. Maybe next year. Justin felt right ...

Spence Photoshoot

This afternoon, I realized that I don't have many good pictures of Spence. When he woke up earlier than Jack from his afternoon nap, I took advantage of a little Spence and Mom time. These are the best pictures. Note, I don't kid myself that I'm a good photographer. I try my best. One day, I'll figure out what all the settings on our camera do. Love those eyes! I think this one might be my favorite.


Spence seems to have his first words: Buh-bye. He even has the Saturday Night Live pronunciation - it's too cute. A quick video to see how stinkin' cute this is:

Worn out!

A few funny shots of Jack asleep.

11 Months!

Spencer turned 11 months old today. He (and Jack) celebrated by sleeping through the night until 6:45 this morning! Mommy and Daddy like this kind of celebration. Spencer, a few things about you at this point in time: 1. You love your Mom and Dad and prefer to be in our arms over pretty much anything else. Except of course, when you don't prefer this, at which point you scream. On to point 2... 2. You have a well developed set of lungs. You can scream. We think it's your way of saying "get me out of this chair/stroller/exersaucer/crib" or "I don't like this food" or "I'm full" or "I'm hungry" or "I dropped my toy please hand it to me" or "I dropped my toy and never want to see it again" or "I pooped"or "I didn't poop, I just want your attention" or perhaps something else. We're hoping to narrow down the cause soon (or hey, just start talking, ok?) 3. Pureed foods is for b...