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3 Years Old!!

Can you believe it?!?! Jack is 3 years old today!

Last year, he really loved his party and eating cake. This year, he's been looking forward to his birthday for months - frequently claiming that each day was his birthday. Well, today, Jack-a-bear, you're right!

Jack seemed to have a great day.

  • he opened gifts...and then had to fight them out of Spencer's strong grip.
  • we went swimming and he "jumped" in the pool (he slid off the side into my arms, but this is progress for our cautious little man)
  • he had two breakfasts - his favorite: eggo waffles and then a bagel with cream cheese
  • he helped me pick out veggies at the green market
  • took a great nap!
  • picked out a cupcake from crumbs
  • had a yummy dinner at Bella Giardino
  • and then the best birthday present of all...had Spencer poop in the tub they were sharing...

Well, not everything was great - fortunately, the gifts and the pride he felt telling everyone that it was his birthday and that he was three made the day super special. 

Jack's birthday party is Saturday - should be great fun as well.

A few pictures.
Reading the card from Mimi and Poppy

Super Why: Why Writer - so excited!!

Birthday dinner at BG

Here comes the cupcake (Jack picked is favorite: vanilla with sprinkles)

Ready to make his wish.

Wish made. I hope it comes true little man.

We love you!


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