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Showing posts from September, 2012

Three little words

First, Spencer has been trying to talk for several weeks. He even has a few words that we understand: ba ba, ball, and even something close to thank you. Tonight, while getting him ready for bed, Justin kissed Spence and told him that he loved him. Spence paused a second and then did his very best to say "I love you". Our hearts melted. Second, Jack and Spence were standing in front of the tv this evening. Jack went behind Spence, hugged him, and said "I love you so much". Almost brought me to tears. Amazing what three little words can do.

Parent:Teacher Conference

Jack recently started a preschool program. This program runs 5 days a week from 8:30 - 12:30 each day. Not completely unexpected, we've had a few challenges with getting Jack settled into the program. This morning I had my first parent:teacher conference to talk about drop off and helping Jack relax into the class. Too funny to have these - I feel like such an adult. But this isn't about me, it's about Jack-a-bear. I love that his teacher, Ms. Emily, was very open to the conversation and brought ideas to the table. It shows that she wants to make the experience a positive one for Jack. We have a few new ideas to try. For now, it's good to know that Jack is in good, caring hands.

Finally. A toy they enjoyed together

Drip, drop

One last goodbye... Atlanta Watershed Management, we developed quite a love:hate relationship. You loved to turn off my water and be remarkably unresponsive to issues that were yours to fix. I hated pretty much everything you did. Alas, the time has come to end this love (hate) affair. I thought this page said it all (except for the sign back on part).

Saying goodbye

Back in 2003, Justin and I were living in Boston and decided that it wasn't going to be where we grew old (ok, maybe I decided it, convinced Justin that there were other - warmer - places we could live, and then Justin made it happen - with ironically a bit of kicking and screaming from me). Phew. In 2004, we moved to Atlanta and that May we bought our first house together. A lovely house, built in 1938, that had lots of original charm. The street was gorgeous and the neighborhood had lots to offer. This is the Pasadena house. The house became the site of many a memory: our first cat - Beacon countless late night dance parties chair surfing becoming the "lady in the window" Justin's first batch of poison ivy buying our first lawnmower - using it - and then promptly finding a landscaper the beginnings of a long relationship with Atlanta's Department of Watershed Management our second and third cats - Sydney and Melbourne building a deck the size of ou...

A day of firsts

Jack had many firsts today. first day in his school uniform first time wearing dress shoes rather than sneakers or crocs and most important, his first day at preschool School was new and a big change which made the experience a bit scary, but Jack settled in (and think may have even enjoyed it!!). Putting on the uniform and drop-off may be tough for the next week or two, but I think he's going to love it! Words can't express how proud I am of him! Pictures from today (eventually he'll be smiling!) Not so sure about the shirt - but he is so handsome! Getting special snuggles before class started