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Saying goodbye

Back in 2003, Justin and I were living in Boston and decided that it wasn't going to be where we grew old (ok, maybe I decided it, convinced Justin that there were other - warmer - places we could live, and then Justin made it happen - with ironically a bit of kicking and screaming from me). Phew. In 2004, we moved to Atlanta and that May we bought our first house together. A lovely house, built in 1938, that had lots of original charm. The street was gorgeous and the neighborhood had lots to offer.

This is the Pasadena house.

The house became the site of many a memory:
  • our first cat - Beacon
  • countless late night dance parties
  • chair surfing
  • becoming the "lady in the window"
  • Justin's first batch of poison ivy
  • buying our first lawnmower - using it - and then promptly finding a landscaper
  • the beginnings of a long relationship with Atlanta's Department of Watershed Management
  • our second and third cats - Sydney and Melbourne
  • building a deck the size of our current condo (not quite, but closer than you'd think!)
  • the "Africa" hot party on the new deck
  • grilling everything and always having a fridge full of Sweetwater
  • The Torero and two margarita nights (see second bullet for clarification)
  • meeting friends we'll have for life
  • and so many more
And now, we've finally come the end of this journey. Today, we officially sold our house to a lovely new family. I'm sure that they will love it and make it everything we dreamed it could be and more (if we could have only committed to Atlanta).

So goodbye 1289 Pasadena Ave. You're a lovely house with great bones. Thank you for being ours for these last 8 years.


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