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We finally had a real snowfall!! Around 10" fell in our area making the city look like a winter wonderland for at least a couple of hours.

We got the kids dressed for the snow. Many layers and at least 1/2 an hour later, we were ready to head to the park. I kept thinking of the scene from A Christmas Story when the little brother can put his arms down because his winter clothes are so thick.

The park was beautiful! And people were everywhere. It was like a painting - families sledding and laughing and people going by on their cross-country skis. It was very fun.

From previous winters, we knew of a good hill right at the entrance near us. We found that not only is there one good hill, but there are three! Off we went. Jack was excited to sled, but definitely not excited to get snow in his face. Jack even went by himself a few times - he did great, but he got a bit scared. Spence wasn't too sure about being out in the cold. He seemed to enjoy sledding though.

First, we had to get a sled (no easy feat given that stores are prepped for spring!)

Sledding away (Spence is tucked in their somewhere)

There's Spence!

Sledding together

Funny brothers!

Not so sure about this snow stuff (or maybe is the too large snowsuit and five layers we dressed him in)

Family shot!


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