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Wonderful Strangers

This morning, I had the luxury of attending a musical with Jack's preschool class. The show was well done, very cute, and perfect for the age. But that's not the story. The story is this wonderful woman we encountered on the train ride home.

With all the newness of the day, Jack was well worn out by the time we took the train home. The first train to arrive was the 1, so we boarded. A few seconds later, a 3 came in on the express track. Jack said that he wanted to take the 3; however, the doors were closing on the train that we had boarded.

Jack started to meltdown. I felt his infamous wail and tears coming and tried my best to stop them. Just as I felt my efforts were truly going to fail, this lovely woman sitting next to us asked Jack "Are you three?". Her tone was calm and serene - the exact opposite of how the moment felt for Jack and me.

This question stopped the meltdown. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but he wasn't afraid.

Once the lady had Jack's attention, she continued by saying that she too was three! how fun was that? Jack loved it. I prompted Jack to say when he was turning four - to which he answered August. The lady said wow, that her birthday was August 14. Jack said his was the twelfth to which the lady replied that Jack was two days older than her.

At this point, Jack was much much calmer. She continued by asking him imagination questions.

If you were on a desert island, what one toy would you bring with you?
Jack's response: his 3 train.

If you were on a desert island, what one drink would you bring with you?
Jack's response: milk

If you were on a desert island, what one color would you bring with you?
Jack's response: red

If you were on a desert island, what one friend would you bring with you?
Jack's response: Jacob.

At this point, Jack was enthralled and totally calm and the lady was at her stop. She thanked Jack for the conversation and got off the train. Jack had a smile ear to ear and was back to his wonderful little self. It was amazing. Thank you to that lovely woman that risked all sorts of things to calm a tired, stressed little boy. If I could give you a hug, I would.


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