Spencer's 2nd birthday was June 1st. We celebrated in NYC and in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts party was first - over Memorial Day weekend.
Memorial Day morning, we headed back to NYC - and we found spring - along with thousands of our closest friends in Central Park.
Spence had so much fun playing with Jack and his cousins. He knew that it was a birthday party, but he was completely surprised when we all started singing Happy Birthday to him! He had this surprised grin, but overall loved it. Jack loved it too - right up until he figured out that he wasn't getting any presents.
Back in New York, we had smaller celebration with fun a few gifts and cupcakes. (Don't worry, we're having a bigger gathering later in the summer to celebrate both boys' birthdays!).
In addition to celebrating Spence's birthday, we caught up with good friends Matt and Beth Knoettner and their two boys, Connor and Brady. We met at a park in Acton where a local running store was holding a 5k and 1-mile race...and it was cold! I wore my winter coat it was so chilly and windy.
Justin and Matt ran the 5k. Justin came in 3rd for his age group - his first time placing!!! Jack and I ran the 1-miler. Yep, Jack ran a full 1-mile race. He did awesome - we finished in 14:30. Jack ran almost the entire way, stopping to let me tie my shoe and to catch his breath briefly. He was about to give up when we reached the organizers who were cheering and we could see the finish. He found his second wind and ran through the finish line with a huge smile on his face. He was so excited and we were so proud of him!
Jack crossing the finish line! So proud!!
Jack's official time - 14:38
Spence was next - running a tot trot with Justin. He also came across with a great big smile - cheered on big time by Jack!
Memorial Day morning, we headed back to NYC - and we found spring - along with thousands of our closest friends in Central Park.
Happy belated birthday to Spencer, and a huge congrats to all on the races!