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Some days

I worked from home today because I had several appointments.

The first was dropping off our car to be serviced. That errand was remarkably uneventful. Jack went with me and we were at the Y 30 minutes early.

Next up was Verizon. A service person was coming to connect something for the phone line. About 30 minutes before the person was supposed to arrive, I frantically searched the apartment for our phones. Finally I remembered where we had stored them. The guy arrives and checks everything out. He confirms that he in fact did not need to come at all. Had I actually plugged my phones in when I ordered the service, I could have saved him the trip. Regardless, good to have reliable phone service again. And we have a 212 number - guess we are true New Yorkers!

Day is going well right?  Right.

Next up dentist appointments for both boys.

The dentist is really nice and the office is great for kids. Still Our boys hate it.

Spence goes first. He generally screams during his cleaning but was manageable.

Jack is next. First we get thru x rays. That was a bit trying because Jack had a sensitive gag reaction. We get them done. He starts to melt down when we go to the next chair for his cleaning. He yells the entire time. I mean the entire time. To the point that I expect him to pass out. At the end, Jack was completely flushed - he looked like he had been running because he was being chased by crazed animal. The dentist, dental assistant, and I were exhausted - emotionally and physically. When we walked into the waiting room, there was a father waiting with his daughter. The dad says something like wow there he is. They could hear everything.

Last thing of the day was picking up our car. Jack walked, well actually ran, to the dealership (almost a mile which is really good for a 4.5 yr old). As Jack was getting in the car, he slipped and fell out. On to the hard pavement. Yep. Fell right out of the car. Exactly what I had worried about every other time I've watched him get in the car. Awesome.

This day has worn me  out.

One thing's for sure: Justin is taking the boys to their next dentist appointment!


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