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Happy Birthday Grandma

Today, my Grandma Dot, one of the boys' great grandmothers, would have been 93. She passed away a few weeks ago after gracefully enduring the loss associated with Alzheimer's. The disease took away almost all of her memory, but it didn't take away her spirit. She was happy in her days and activities, enjoying the company of friends even though she never remembered the visits. And she knew that she was loved and well taken care of by her daughter (my mom) even though the concepts of daughter and family were lost a few years ago.

This post isn't about loss. It's about memory.

These are some of the things I will always remember.
  • Pearls. Grandma loved pearls. 
  • The way she said "well, I know", "pilla", "Mondy, Tuesdy,Wednesdy", and "storwa" - in her distinct tidewater accent.
  • Navy. Never black. 
  • Three quarter length sleeves. Never short. Never long.
  • Pantyhose. Always. Regardless of weather.
  • Sending me cards every few weeks when I was in college with short notes and $40. Not sure I ever said how much I appreciated those! 
  • Letting me drive (even when I only had my learner's permit).
  • Her love of Colonial Williamsburg. 
  • Keeping moving boxes so my cousins and I could build towns out of them one week each summer.
  • How wherever she lived, the place smelled like her home (in a good way). A talent I wish I had! 
  • Becoming an even bigger Carolina fan while I was in school. 
  • Letting me dabble with her craft supplies.
  • How much she eventually loved her cat Pumpkin (a cat that I more or less adopted for her).
  • Her joy whenever my boys visited. While she never understood that they were her great-grandsons, she always enjoyed their company.
  • Last but not least, sharing a birthday with you (and your Mama) and the fun of calling to wish each other happy birthday.
We miss you very much Grandma and hope that you're enjoying keeping an eye on us from heaven.




  1. That is so sweet, Jenn. Happy birthday! Hope you have fun celebrating with your favorite boys!


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