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We did it! Last weekend we took a day trip out of the city. We feared the journey would be too much, but we persevered and we made it...All the way to Governor's Island.

Here's a map of our route. You can see that it was riddled with distractions (changing trains) and delays (it was a weekend, so subway repairs always threaten progress).

Seriously though, we headed out to Governor's Island with our friends Rena, John and Leo. Governors Island is just off the southern tip of Manhattan. By just off, I mean that you can easily read the sign above the dock on Governors Island while waiting to board the ferry on Manhattan.

The island was a military base from the late 1700s until the mid-90s. It's now part of NYC and it being converted to lots of public space. Many of the buildings remain including an old fort and officer's housing (you can read more here). The area with the officers housing reminds me of Chapel Hill - the commander's house is like a small Carolina Inn.

We rented bikes on the island which was a great way to not only get around, but to see the area that's open to the public. Spence rode with me and Jack rode behind Justin (there's a picture below). It was a very fun day. More commentary under the pictures below.

Waiting for the train

Spence with me and Justin with Jack with his super-cool third-wheel bike!

Having so much fun

First mini-golf with the Financial District (FIDI) and specifically the new World Trade Center as backdrop (it's just like Putt-putt on Battleground, only exactly different)

Another shot

Officer's housing - very Southern

The Leo Spencer show with guests Jack and Spencer MacFarlane!!

Testing the Panoramic option on my phone


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