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Growing up

Jack and Spence "graduated" from their respective preschool programs in the last couple of weeks. While the road along the way wasn't always the smoothest, the outcome couldn't be better.

At Spencer's 2s club event, the kids demonstrated all the new skills they had learned in the gym. Lots of forward rolls, big jumps on the trampoline, and amazing core strength. The kids then enjoyed their favorite book of the year: mean soup. Afterward each child received an award. Spencer followed Jack's footsteps on this part by refusing to go up to accept the award. Regardless, we were so proud of Spence. He loved having his independence, being involved in a class, making new friends, and just having fun. Next year Spence starts preschool at the Y.

Jack's tender care graduation was last friday. The event was held in the Little Theater at the Y. Jack was so excited to be on the stage. The class sang several songs ending with what has to be the anthem of kids 3-8 years old: Let It Go from Frozen. It was great! Next year Jack starts Kindergarten at PS 199.
We are so excited for both Spence and Jack to start the next leg of the journey that is growing up. They have grown so much over the last year we can't wait to see what the next school year brings!

Share in the fun of each day:

Jack's PreK Grand Finale:


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