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Jack turned five on Tuesday. It feels like the first true age milestone. Yes, 1 is huge because, well, your baby is a full year old and you both survived. Two is neat because the toddler years really do fly by (even when it feels so slow). Three because they start to understand birthdays and having friends to celebrate. Four because they understand birthdays, if not the excitement leading up to it.

But five. FIVE.

Five brought anticipation. Five brought excitement. Five brought pride. Five was a big deal.

Jack has been talking about his birthday for several weeks. On several occasions, he said "I can't wait to turn five". He knew when the date was a week away and when it was only a day away. He was so excited for the day to come and to share it with his friends.

As most five years old do, he slept in a bit on his birthday. When he was finally awake, we greeted him by singing happy birthday and giving him great big hugs - he may be five, he still loves being loved.

Justin took Jack to camp and brought cupcakes to share with his friends and counselors. In turn, they had made a birthday card for him. That evening, we took him to his favorite restaurant, BG, for his favorite food, pasta - specifically rigatoni with butter, cheese and pepper...and cranberry juice to drink. As a special surprise, the owner sent Jack a big slice of Tiramisu. Jack's eyes were the size of saucers.

After dinner, we headed home for what else, but PRESENTS!! With each gift, he exclaimed "I've always wanted this" (showing his MacFarlane side) - whether it was books or legos or sports gear - it was all the best. He was overflowing with happiness and pride.

It was a special day for everyone. Jack is such a special boy. We are so lucky that we are his parents and we get to watch him grow into an amazing boy.


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