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An actual movie

Tonight, we did something as a family that we had never done before.

We watched a movie...with REAL ACTORS. Not a cartoon. Real actors. And a really good movie.

Jack has become a baseball fanatic over the last few weeks. Usually one of the first things he asks us in the morning (if not the first thing), is to tell him the Yankee's score from the evening before. Justin  has even taught him how to look up scores online. Jack loves it. He's understanding more and more of the game - like what innings are and strikes and home runs.

So this evening when we got home from a day trip, he was a bit heartbroken that there was no live game on. We started searching the movie libraries of Netflix and Amazon to see what baseball themed, children appropriate movies were available. The Sandlot - no, just a weird looking sequel that we didn't know existed. Angels in the Outfields - no. Rookie of the year - no. Then we hit gold: Field of Dreams. Both Justin and I love the movie and it was rated PG (though I do question that one) - so we rented it.

Jack wasn't so sure at first - because it didn't seem like a real baseball movie, but rather a movie about corn and farming. But it didn't take long for him to be engrossed. He really enjoyed it, especially the scenes playing baseball. I'm sure that the big message of a father and son reconciling past grievances was completely lost on him. Regardless, we have now opened the door to other live-action movies. We could not be happier! 


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