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Officially a Sports Family

Sometime late last summer, the sports gene kicked in for Jack and Spence. They went from mildly interested to rabid sports fans in a matter of days. The World Cup and MLB All-Star game definitely helped. Otherwise, the transition was fast. Suddenly Jack could spew all sorts of sports stats (from that season) and was desperate to watch all baseball and football.

Well, we've now moved on from being spectators. Jack started little league t-ball a couple of weekends ago. The team is called the Royals and is made up of 10, 5 year olds. They play Sunday morning in Morningside Park under the watch of the amazing cathedral St. John the Divine.

Justin jumped in too, taking on head coaching responsibilities as well as being the assistant director for the league. It's really a family affair.

The big event the first weekend was handing out uniforms. Jack wore his (shocker, he's #2). So when the other kids got theirs, they immediately changed to match. They were so excited! Then the practice started. The first thing Justin had the boys do was learn a team cheer. They moved onto running the bases, some throwing and catching, and of course hitting.

Then the game started. The game is pretty loose. All of the kids on one team take the field which is really just the infield. The other team then bats - the entire lineup gets an at-bat. Teams flip as many times as possible within the 45 minutes game timeframe. No score is kept - because it would be next to impossible to actually score the game....these are 5 year olds after all. As expected, some kids understood running to first, some walked off the field after reaching 2nd, and some attempted to field their own hits. The Royals decided to rush every hit. By the last batter, there for 5 or 6 boys running at the hitter trying to get the ball....obviously Justin will work on what it means to stay in your position and field a ball.

It's so fun to watch. The boys are all having a great time together - building and strengthening friendships. The parents are great too. Everyone is super supportive and laid back.

A few pictures


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