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Showing posts from January, 2009

First Profile

Monday, I had the nuchal translucency scan. The procedure itself is stressful based on what it's testing for. However, it was very cool to have a more lengthy sonogram of the baby (new pictures posted). This is the first time that Justin has seen the baby since we heard the heartbeat in December. Our baby has grown a lot! Its length is on track for our due date. It has a profile, arms, legs, fingers, and toes. It was moving all over the place and seemed to be hiccuping - based on the jerks, it has my hiccups. Crazy to see that happening inside me when I can't feel anything. Back to the test - the technician said that we'll get results in a week. I'm hoping that everything is "in normal range" and that we do not need to consider additional tests. The pictures are cool - you can see the profile. I think that the baby has Justin's nose - check the 1st picture. :) In other news - my clothes are getting tight! The next purchase is going to be a new pair of jean...


Regardless of what Justin says, I know that I have a bump. Albeit a small one. I've taken pictures every Thursday for the past 3 weeks. I realized that we should have thought through the pictures more, because I'm not 100% comfortable posting for the world to see. This week's picture will be different - more family friendly (which makes my other pictures seem adultish - they aren't).  My clothes are starting to get tight - especially my pants. Fortunately, most of my jeans have low rises - so they still fit. The bum is the only area getting tighter. :(  I'm fighting the butt expansion as much as I can - within reason. I also ordered a few things from a maternity designer that came in last week. They are cute and will give me good, stylish basics once I'm big enough...probably a couple more weeks. So far, I've gained about 3 pounds - which I think is ok . next trimester will be a different story - lots more weight. The baby will make up a lot of this - at l...

First Dr. Appt

Yesterday, Jan 12, 2009, I went to my OB for the first appt . I've seen her previously - she's great. Everything was pretty normal and easy. The coolest part was the sonogram of the baby. It's growing and is starting to look like a baby!! Right now, it's 4 cm long (or 40 mm) which is right on track for the due date. I've uploaded the picture. The big circle on the right side is the head. At the doctor's office, I could see the cord, the heart, and some movement. It is super cool!


These are the first two sonograms of our baby. The first was taken on Dec. 8 th , 2008 by Dr. Stein. This sonogram was done to confirm the number of embryos and initial development. (Fortunately, it was just one that was the right size in the right location!) After seeing this image, the baby got the nickname Paisley, because it looks like a Paisley The next sonogram was done about two weeks later, on Dec. 18 th , 2008. The purpose of this visit was again to check development, and, more excitingly, check for the heartbeat. I was really nervous going into this one. I felt good about things, but you never know. Justin was with me which was good. Dr. Stein found the heartbeat and turned up the sound. There it was - our baby's heartbeat. It was very cool and made it very real. It sounded like Thumper from Bambi - Paisley got a second nickname, " Thumper ". Our first appointment with the OB is tomorrow morning (Jan. 12 th , 2009). It's been almost 4 weeks since the last s...

Cat's halfway out of the bag

Over Christmas, Justin and I had the joy of telling our family and some close friends that we're expecting. Everyone was super excited. It was a ton of fun to tell everyone, see their reaction, and feel their excitement! The cat's not completely out of the bag. I'm waiting to get through a couple more doctor's appointments and tests. Then the news will go public. Should be interesting!! And exciting!!

Joy of Eating

This being pregnant thing has definitely been interesting. I'm in Week 10 right now. The past couple of weeks have been an eating challenge. Some days I've eaten too much. Other days, I've managed better. My Mom thought that I was hilarious when I was in Greensboro, because all I could think about was my next meal. Regardless of what I eat or drink, I always have one of the yuckiest tastes in my mouth and I usually feel kind of gross afterward. I know that I shouldn't complain too much. This could be my morning sickness, which wouldn't be too bad. For now, my joy of eating is a bit squashed - again, I'll take this over being nauseous or sick anyday. :)