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Showing posts from October, 2009

Red Hot Chili Pepper

For Jack's first Halloween, he decided to dress up as a chili pepper. (Ok, we thought it would be adorable - he'll likely hate us for the pictures once he's older). He was adorable in the little outfit. We walked around on W. 69th with Nina, Chat, Ketan, and Naya to see the decorations and costumes. Many of the buildings on the two blocks between Central Park West and Broadway decorate to the hilt. This year, Star Wars was the main theme. One brownstone had  Luke and Leia Skywalker characters repelling down the front. The NYC Marathon is also this weekend. The finish line is at W. 68th St in Central Park, so more or less, across from where we live. We walked over there for a quick picture of the finish line. It was impressive. Several friends are running tomorrow - we hope to see them cross. Good luck to everyone! Jenn and Pepper Jack Pepper Jack Justin and Jack A happy Pepper Jack Justin with Jack, Nina with Naya, and Chat with Ketan Nina and Naya as a Ki...

First in Flight

Jack took his first flight Monday evening. He and I flew from Newark to Greensboro. All in all, he did ok. There was a bit of fussiness after boarding and during taxi. This escalated just after takeoff - yes, I was that parent with the screaming baby - a new role that I'd rather not repeat. Fortunately, he chilled out and fell asleep for the rest of the flight. For those of you that are frequent fliers, the pilot allowed me to keep my iPhone during taxi, takeoff, and landing so that I could use this ambient noise app that helps keep Jack calm. (thank you Christian for introducing us to that app!) Hoping that the return is even better!

Babies Babies

This weekend started with my good friend, Kate Foley (the former Katie Condello) announcing that she and her husband Brian are expecting their first in May. Katie and I have been good friends since 6th grade - which means we've known each other longer than we haven't. (well, that makes sense to me) Katie has a very dry sense of humor. I can't wait to hear her take on all the things that pregnancy brings! Today (Sunday, Oct. 25th), Justin, Jack, and I had brunch with several of Justin's friends from Duke. It was great to see everyone. The funny thing is that we had this same brunch almost three years ago when we first moved to NYC. It was adults only. This brunch had three youngin's under 1 - Ketan, Naya, and Jack. They were all fun. The big news though is that Becky and Erik are expecting their first in late April. The last two years has really been a baby boom with our friends. We can't wait to meet all the new additions expected over the next few months. J...

Big Healthy Boy

Yesterday, Jack had his 2-month check up at the doctors. I wasn't looking forward to this one as Jack received his first vaccinations. Everything went as well as can be expected. Jack has grown a ton - new stats are below. He made it through the vaccinations pretty well. He received three shots, 2 in the left thigh and 1 in the right, and one oral dose. The one in the right was the most painful. His little face got a big look of shock/terror. Good or bad, this was the last shot so he was already crying. It is hard to watch your little one feel pain. On the bright side, he won't remember the experience and is now on the way to being fully vaccinated against some pretty nasty diseases. Two Month Stats Height: 25 inches (95th percentile) Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz (60th percentile) Head Circumference: 42 cm (90th percentile) He's tall, has a slightly big head (fortunately it's proportionate), and has a good weight!

Auntie and Uncle

Last weekend (Oct. 9-11), Jay and Cristine came to NYC to meet Jack. Justin and I (and Jack) really enjoyed having them here. It was so fun to see each of them holding Jack. He welcomed them immediately with lots of smiles, coos, and something like a giggle. To cap off the weekend, Jack slept for 8 straight hours Saturday night! Some pictures from the weekend: Uncle Jay and Jack Aunt Cristine and Happy Jack Aunt Cristine and Happy Jack Uncle Jay working his soothing magic Uncle Jay and Jack hanging

Faces of Jack

Justin took some great shots of Jack's face this weekend. Over the last couple of weeks, Jack has become much more expressive both with his face and his noises.

Days, Weeks...Months?!?!?

Jack turns 2 months old today. First, we counted his age in days, then weeks, and now we're up to months. Where did the time go? To celebrate, Jack virtually slept through the night last night. He went to bed at 7:30 pm, had his dream feed at 10 pm, slept until 5 am (7 hours!!), ate again, then slept from 5:30 - 8:00am. It was one of those nights where we got up to check on him because we hadn't heard a peep! We're elated for multiple reasons.

Memory Lane

Today, we took Jack to Chapel Hill for a quick tour. This is him cheering for the Heels in the lobby of the Carolina Inn, where Justin and I were married. More pictures to come.